"If you hear a voice within you saying, ”You are not a painter,” then by all means paint… and that voice will be silenced." - Vincent Van Gogh
To register by phone, please call the Community Arts Center at (814) 255-6515.For online class payments, a small surcharge has been applied.
M = Member Price
NM = Non-Member Price
Check out our class-rating system. The number of stars on each description will give you an idea of the class’s proficiency level.
Crafters for Fun: ★
Beginner: ★★
Intermediate: ★★★
Advanced: ★★★★
Note: These workshops are for adults only - ages 18 and older.
Instructor: Jen Fultz
Class Limit: 20
Level: ★
Doodling is good for the mind, body, and soul…. Enjoy learning some artistic techniques to make your doodle all that it can be! This workshop will help you improve your drawing skills, while increasing creativity and focusing skills. Doodling has been proven to positively impact concentration, relaxation, and overall mental health. Successfully doodle yourself into becoming more present in your daily life!
Instructor: Janice Sandak
Class Limit: 15
Level: ★★ & Up
Experience the beauty of watercolor while learning how to apply washes, mix colors, and layer colors to create a beautiful piece of artwork. In just a matter of hours you will have your very own customized watercolor landscape painting. All skill levels welcomed.
Instructor: Queen-Poetri Dozier
Class Limit: 10
Level: ★★ & Up
You will never look at makeup the same way again after this workshop transforms cosmetics into an artistic painting medium. Learn how to create a stunning portrait with a variety of makeup products. Students will start out simple and then layer the colors, textures, and manipulating powders with water.
Instructor: KC Schutte
Class Limit: 5
Level: ★★ & Up
Using our Glowforge laser-cutter, create your own acrylic panel with unique designs such as fairies, mushrooms, sports teams, or whatever your imagination comes up with—the sky is the limit! This panel will transform with an LED lighted base. Your completed project will come with a charger and a remote control to turn it on/off and change the light colors!
Instructor: Queen-Poetri Dozier
Class Limit: 15
Level: ★
Learn basic painting concepts as you paint scenes, patterns, holidays, animals, silhouettes and more on wine bottles. You can even get creative and try some mixed media textures.
For Arty Parties, there is a $3 registration fee when registering online. To register entirely for free, call CAC at (814) 255-6515 and speak with one of our staff or volunteers to register over the phone!
Instructor: Queen-Poetri Dozier
Class Limit: 15
Level: ★
Using lace, sequins, paper clay, doilies, puffy paint & more “fun stuff”, you’ll decorate a “Valentine themed” masterpiece to show your significant other just how much you love them. All supplies provided or bring your own baubles & bling.
For Arty Parties, there is a $3 registration fee when registering online. To register entirely for free, call CAC at (814) 255-6515 and speak with one of our staff or volunteers to register over the phone!
Community Arts Center of Cambria County
1217 Menoher Boulevard, Johnstown, PA 15905 US
Accessibility is available upon request for those with disabilities or special needs issues. Please give us as much advance notice as possible to accommodate your needs.
Monday - Friday, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Copyright © 2024 CACCC - All Rights Reserved