The Community Arts Center of Cambria County will be holding a celebratory award dinner to honor the legacy of Tim Dabbs, Barbara Laslo, Bryan R. Smith, and the late Alvin E. Just for their years of dedicated service to the Community Arts Center.
Celebrating a Legacy was established in 2015 with the retirement of the Community Arts Center’s long-term Executive Director, Rose Mary Hagadus. This event is CACCC’s way to show acknowledgement to a group of individuals who have made an impacting difference in the history of the Community Arts Center of Cambria County and the surrounding community.
Celebrating a Legacy will be held at Holiday Inn Johnstown-Downtown, Crown Ballroom, 250 Market Street, on Friday, October 25th, with awards beginning at 6:00 PM.
Special thank you to this year's Corporate Sponsor, Ameriserv Financial!
Tickets are available for $50 for CACCC members, and $55 for non-members. Table Sponsorships are available for $550, which include 8 tickets, full page ad in playbill, listed as table sponsor in program, the Community Arts Center’s website, Eblast, Facebook, and Twitter.
To purchase tickets, give us a call at (814) 255-6515, or use the PayPal option below on this page! Please note, all online ticket purchases have a small surcharge included for processing fees.
Tim’s musical journey began at an old player piano with his grandmother Ruth Cosgrove. At the age of 9 he discovered the acoustic guitar and it has been a part of his life since. Inspired by the songwriters of the 1970s, Tim was inspired by the likes of John Denver, Gordon Lightfoot and Harry Chapin. Songwriting and performing were the natural next steps and Tim continues to pursue those passions today.
During live performances Tim invites you into his space and tells stories of people and places. This is evident in his works such as The Day the Rumors Came True, a haunting tale of the infamous Johnstown Flood of 1889, Cambria Bells, a song of the rise and fall of the steel industry in a small immigrant town, and Waterman, a story about the crab and oyster fishermen of the Chesapeake Bay.
He has shared the stage with some well know artists on the contemporary folk circuit, including Bill Danoff, David Mallet, Tom May, Tom Russel, Cliff Eberhart, and Michael McNevin. You can catch him on XM and public radio across the country as well as Spotify, Apple Music and most streaming services. In the past, Tim has performed on ABC’s Good Morning America, and the Fox News Channel’s Morning Show.
I write about nouns,” Tim joked during an interview on National Public Radio. “I take my inspiration from people that I’ve met, and the places that I’ve been. I’m humbled by the fact that people come out to listen to the stories and songs that I have to share. Live music has brought many people of many cultures together over the years; I’m proud to be a part of that ongoing tradition.
In addition to his own live performances around the region, Tim serves as the Programing Director for the Arcadia Theater, to bring a variety of other artists to the Johnstown region. He is often joined by his wife Courtney Custer in live performances on the bass, cello or violin.
Alvin was born and raised in Johnstown. He graduated from Richland High School in 1968, then went on to earn his Bachelors degree at the University of Pittsburgh in 1972 where he studied History and Political Science and minored in Art. He had 4 beloved children, Dawn (Shawn) Pries, Ericka Just, Ashley (John) Bennett, and Sean “AJ” Just. Al was owner of Sports Center Advertising, an ad agency he owned for over 30 years. He loved the outdoors, fishing, hunting, camping, art and eating a good pizza. Al was a 33rd Degree Mason holding many offices during his tenure and receiving numerous honorary membership awards from the fraternity. He was a member of Greater Johnstown Lodge #538, F & AM and Cambria Lodge # 278, F & AM, York Rite Bodies and Scottish Rite, Valley of Altoona and Jaffa Shriners. Al believed the Masonic Order made him a better person. Al was known as “Pappy Painter” to Niya, Lena and Elliott Bennett and was a certified Bob Ross instructor in his painting career. He touched the lives of many through art and he will always be remembered as a beloved teacher.
Barbara Laslo’s passion for the arts has always been a part of her life, and it has continued to grow throughout her life. She graduated from McKeesport High School, and then went on to Geneva College in Beaver Falls, PA, graduating with a degree in Business. She taught at Clairton High School and then went on to Greater Johnstown School District, where she got to work with the late Art Supervisor M. Josephine Paul. During that time, Barbara earned her permanent teaching certificate from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. She eventually went on to work for seventeen years at Vo-Tech, and then Cambria County Community College, now Penn Highlands Community College, teaching medical and legal courses. When Barbara left the Community College, she had four grandchildren, and it was time for her to be available to help with them.
Barbara met her husband, Elmer Laslo, at Geneva College, and they married in August of 1971. After starting their family, she began getting more and more involved in the community as a volunteer and advocate for the arts. She was involved with the Pink Ribbon Ball for many years, the Johnstown Symphony Orchestra Auxiliary where she has Co-Chaired the Fashion Show fundraiser for many years among other initiatives, and the Johnstown Area Heritage Association, in particular with the Flood City Music Festival. In addition to family, work, and volunteering, Barbara has been dedicated to church and sharing her love of God by teaching Sunday School and Bible School, along with serving as the Communion Assistant and Lector at Christ Lutheran Church.
Nevertheless, the most important part of Barbara’s life has been her husband and the beautiful life they built together, as he gave so much joy to her and this community. Before his passing in 2023, Elmer had spread his love for volunteering onto Barbara, his children and grandchildren. Recently, this legacy of support has continued with their sponsorship of the Barbara & Elmer Laslo Cultural Heritage initiative to allow Pennsylvania artists to display their wonderful work at the Community Arts Center of Cambria County, with an equally wonderful opening reception experience.
Barbara plans to continue to provide funds and time to the Arts Center, so that it can flourish well into the future, as the arts have always been important to her. Elmer really supported the Community Arts Center of Cambria County, along with so many other worthy organizations, and he encouraged Barbara to be actively involved as well. Over the years, she has volunteered for many nonprofits and organizations, including the Arts Center in many capacities.
Bryan Smith is the oldest of six children born to Raymond and Miriam Smith. Raised in Portage Pennsylvania, his early life consisted of typical small town activities such as playing baseball, bike riding, summers spent at the swimming pool and adventures in the woods. While attending high school, he spent a lot of his time playing the tuba in the school band.
After graduating from high school, Bryan was employed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at Ebensburg Center, a residential facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities. There he worked in multiple jobs during his 40 year employment. While working at the Center, he was also able to further his education by attending and graduating from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown.
After marrying his wife Mary, his best friend and true north, he moved to Johnstown where they have resided together for the past 47 years.
Bryan became interested in photography at a young age and, over the years acquired a wealth of experience and knowledge about it from many sources. In addition to being familiar with the many technical aspects of the craft, he is experienced in the use of both film and digital cameras, darkroom work, and computerized digital photo processing. He has no special preferences in what he photographs. His subject matter is eclectic and he photographs whatever appeals to him.
Bryan is a long-standing member of the Greater Johnstown Camera Club and has continually been an officer of the club since 2010, serving as president, vice president or on the board of directors. He currently serves as their president and feels that education and skill sharing are the top priorities for the club and its members.
Bryan believes that you should use your God given talents to help others, give back to the community and try to make the world a little better place. Towards this goal, he has provided free photographic assistance to many area groups and individuals. He has also led Photo Walks, is a member of the Johnstown Allied Artists, belongs to various on-line photo groups and has been a juror for photo shows. Bryan also teaches photography and related subjects at the Community Arts Center of Cambria County.
In their free time, Bryan and Mary like to travel.
These four individuals have given a large part of their lives to the mission of the Community Arts Center. Their efforts have touched many lives, impacting the community, region, and on a national level. They exemplify CACCC’s moto of keeping the Arts Alive!
Thank you to Ameriserv Financial, Corporate Sponsor for this year's Celebrating A Legacy!
Community Arts Center of Cambria County
1217 Menoher Boulevard, Johnstown, PA 15905 US
Accessibility is available upon request for those with disabilities or special needs issues. Please give us as much advance notice as possible to accommodate your needs.
Monday - Friday, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
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