CAC recently had four trees fall on our property during a storm. Any dollars donated will go towards helping to pay for the clean up!
remoteART is the Community Arts Center of Cambria County’s way to encourage people to stay positive while expressing themselves through an artistic medium, during the current COVID-19 pandemic social isolation.
1st Place: $100 Cash and a $100 Log House Bucks voucher to any event, class, or fundraiser at the Community Arts Center. They will also have their work displayed in public at the Community Arts Center. (For performance art, they will perform at the 2020 Log House Arts Festival.) They will have their work showcased as the Main Heading on the Community Arts Center’s website, weekly Eblast, and on all social media outlets.
2nd Place: $75 Cash and a $75 Log House Bucks voucher to any event, class, or fundraiser at the Community Arts Center. They will also have their work displayed in public at the Community Arts Center. (For performance art, they will perform at the 2020 Log House Arts Festival.) They will have their work posted on the Community Arts Center’s website, weekly Eblast, and on all social media outlets for one month.
3rd Place: $50 Cash and a $50 Log House Bucks voucher to any event, class, or fundraiser at the Community Arts Center. They will also have their work displayed in public at the Community Arts Center. (For performance art, they will perform at the 2020 Log House Arts Festival.) They will have their work posted on the Community Arts Center’s website, weekly Eblast, and on all social media outlets for two weeks.
1st - #043, Pacific Passion, Al Just
2nd - #054, Mr. Fancy Feathers, Carrie Moore
3rd - #033, Easter 2020, Janice Sandak
4th - #003, Degas Dancers, Alan Rauch
5th - #009, Full Moon, Natalie Wargo
6th - #014, Entwined, Cindy Mullen
7th - #001, Magnus, Sandra Platt
8th - #040, Stevie, Kaitlyn Yablonski
9th - #060, Dreams of Adventure, Christopher Yablonski
10th - #027, Spring Has Sprung, Michelle Walters
*Only top 3 winners get prizes!*
#074 - "Cantiga 353 by Alfonso X the Wise" (Musical Performance)
by Jennifer Oaks
#075 - "Beginner Yoga Flow" (Stop Motion Animation)
by Bam Rodriguez
#076 - "In A Crowd of Thousands" (Singing)
by Sydney Hersch
#077 - "Quarantine Madness" (Voice Acting)
by Tyler Fultz
Community Arts Center of Cambria County
1217 Menoher Boulevard, Johnstown, PA 15905 US
Accessibility is available upon request for those with disabilities or special needs issues. Please give us as much advance notice as possible to accommodate your needs.
Monday - Friday, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Copyright © 2024 CACCC - All Rights Reserved