Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
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87% of our Operating Budget comes from public dollars donated by the business community, our members and friends. The outpouring of generous support from our community is the reason we can celebrate 56 years of keeping the Arts Alive in our region.
It’s our goal to maintain and enhance our existing events while creating exciting new ones. Therefore, we are asking for your financial support to guarantee the success of our more than 21 programs. Your support helps to make our endeavors possible:
Sustaining Fund Drive Co-Chairs Karen Azer and Leonard Vigna, illustrated by Duane Webb
1ST SUMMIT BANK; 1st Summit Bank; Laurel Auto Group; Magdi & Karen* Azer; John B. Demangone & Sande Staib*; Patricia Hofscher*; Ron* & Lida* Hood; Barbara Laslo* - in memory of Elmer C. Laslo; Mary Jane McCready*; J. Ross Stewart*
AmeriServ Financial; Barclay Electric, Inc.; Chan Soon-Shiong Medical Center at Windber; Concurrent Technologies Corporation; Kongsberg Protech Systems USA; Spangler Subaru; Dr. & Mrs. Brian & Renée Ahlstrom; Harry & Mary Ann Bennear; Christopher Collins*; A Friend; Steve & Cindy McAneny; Susan McCann; Barbara F. Rosenberg - in honor of Nalini Bhat; Michael B. Smith; Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Yahner
Dale Oxygen, Inc.; EMAP; Family Dentistry Associates of Johnstown, PC; Herbert CPA & Associates, PC; Johnstown Veterinary Associates; KTWL&V Law Firm; Laurel Holdings; North American Höganäs, Co.; USSCO Federal Credit Union; Von's United Beverage; Marian Allen; John* & Pam Boderocco; A Friend; In honor of Koa Beam’s Excellence Award by CANA, LLC; Daniel & Elizabeth Dunmore; Dr. & Mrs. Alex Ganzy; Lyn Garbarino; Janet Gleason; Rob & Jeanne Gleason; Angela R. Godin*; Brad Goldblatt - in memory of Dr. Sidney Goldbaltt; Dr. Brian & Mrs. Hazel Gunnlaugson; Julie Horowitz; Robert H. Horowitz; Eric & Jodi Kabler; Dr. & Mrs. Richard Kastelic; Ron & Lisa Kuchera; Michael* & Cindy* O'Connor; Don & Danette Overdorff; Dr. James* & Christine Richey; Wayne Sutherland* & Terry Bogovich*
Advanced Shipping Technologies, Inc.; Alma Lodge #523; CBIZ, Inc.; Damin Printing Company; Formicas Kitchens; Gleason, Barbin & Markovitz, LLP; Kotzan CPA & Associates, PC; Mervac Plumbing & Heating , Inc.; Primary Health Network; Pro Disposal; United Jewelers; In memory of Judith M. Abood; Anna L. Antemann; Dr. & Mrs. George S. Ashman; Paula J. Baronner; Elaine E. Barringer*; Jill & Dan Bauer; Koa Beam*; Kenneth M. Bednarz; Bill Brader; Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bezek; Michael & Glenna Bodolosky; Richard C. Bosserman; Tara Bosserman; Bill Brader; Jim & Suzy Brett; Kathleen Buczak; Kimmi & Jerry Campagna; Bill & Kathy Carney; Kathryn W. Carney; Joseph & Christine Carpenter; Samuel & Patricia Carpenter; William J. Clark; Judith Crookston; Franny Daley*; Bill & Judy Dembowski; Mary Ellen Denny; Brad & Lisa Drennen; Bruce & Barbara Duke; Dr. D'Arcy Duke & Mr. Shaun Dougherty; Valentine P. Dutchyshyn; Cheryl Edmiston; Karen Esaias & Richard von Schlichten; Patricia Esserman; Anita Faas; Andy Fedore/Mary Lou Astorino; Frannie Findley; Sally Fink; Mr. & Mrs. Jack Fris; Patricia M. Galliker; Donna Gambol; Dr. & Mrs. Reynaldo Gannon; Dorothy Glass; Paul & Kathleen Goble; Rev. Dr. Dennis & Sandra Godin; Elizabeth Good & Mark Weakland; Rosalind M. Gordon; Mr. & Mrs. Al Grandinetti; Honorable Janet G. Harner; Mr. & Mrs. Randy Held; Sylvia Ghezzi Hirsch; Chris & Linda Howard; Dave Huber; Frank & June Janakovic; Francis & Judy* Kelly; Dr. & Mrs. Adib Khouzami; Sally Swanson King; Patrick & Susan Kiniry; Greer Koeller; Marianne Krizner*; Sue & Bill Lease; Alan & Joyce Lichtenfels; David & Jean Livingston; William & Stacey Locher; Camille Maravalli; Michael A. Matten; Dennis & Rosemary McGlynn; Billie Ann Murphy*; Lynn & Mickey Musulin; Paul & Bethany Newman; Richard Oppenheim; Dr. Richard & AnneMarie Pidutti; Rose & Gary Poborsky; Marge Pote; Cheryl & Kathryn Pullen & Joseph Bunk; Larry & Eileen Ramirez; Michael Brink & John Rehar; Rodney & Janise Reider; John & Mary Lou Repsher; W. & L. Rizkalla; Joan Rush; Lee & Ken Salem; Jean Samii; Jerry & Kathy Samples; Dr. & Mrs. Jan Savit; Carole Schrum; Dr. & Mrs. John Seeber; Patricia Serotkin; Jim & Kathy Sharer; Bryan* & Mary Smith; Dr. Jeff & Stephanie Smith; J. Thomas Sobieski; Marianne Spampinato*; Sheri-Stahlberger-Lowry; Becky Styles; Janet M. Turjan; Ms. Bernadette Turpin; Leonard* & Celina* Vigna; Voelker Family; Karen & Gary Welsh; Michael & Jolene Wesner; Bob & Sandy Wise; Janyce & Patrick Wolfe; Loretta Opila & Jim Wolfe; Mr. Jeffrey & Mrs. Karen Wood; Scott & Brenda Yates; A Friend (2)
Dolan's Welding and Steel Fabricating, Inc.; ITSI-Biosciences, LLC; Slovenian Savings & Loan; WIX PIX Productions, Inc.; Betty & John Aubrey; Joe Berezansky; Howard & Tammy Bernstein; Marilyn K. Billow*; Bill & Judy Bingler; Zach & Holly Bodolosky; Janet Bondy; Mary P. Borkow; Sue*, Allen, Piper & Gunner Brick; Beverly & Don Brocious; Cindy Buday; Tim Burns; Donna Caprous; Josephine V. Carpenter; Mary Jo Cernetich; Gloria Chalich; Deborah Chuba; Dave & Maureen Clark; Ken & Pam Cotlar; Deborah Cuppett; Brian & Christa Curtis; Jeff & Dianne DeLisa; Michelle Ed; George* & Anne Fattman; Andy & Judy* Gleason; Ron & Kathy* Good; Thomas R. & Sara A. Goughnour Legacy Fund of the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies; Thomas C. & Saundra A.* Gramling, Sr.; Mrs. Austin Greenland; Drs. William & Nancy Grove; Dr. James & Madeline Gyure; Lynne Hood; Connie Hubbard; Patricia Huntsinger; Joanne Johnson; Bill & Fran Kinley; Dave & Marcia Kissel; Sue Konvolinka; Monica R. Kozak; Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lambert; Jerry & Suzanne* Langer; Mark & Beth Layton; Doris Leidy; Christine Lugar*; Donna Meinecke*; Teresa & David Mrozowski; Ed & Marie Olshefski - in memory of Sara Mangieri; Milly Oswald; Dr. A. Ernest Papinchak; Kathy & Mark Parseghian; Stephen & Doris Pasternak; Vicki & Bill Price; John D. Ridella DMD PC; Joan K. Riek; Stephanie Rovansek; Janet Saylor; Donna Sender; John & Joselle Skelley; Cindy Slaventa; Steven & Beatrix Stern; Bob & Carolyn Stutzman; Joyce Suppes; Caryl Swanson; Kay E. Thompson; Mrs. Dolores Tinkle; Mike & Heather Tomasko; Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Trofino; Annette & John Vamos; Martin & Deborah Ward; Robert & Janet Wertz; Barb & Garth Wesner; Patricia Whitmer; Sharon* & Walt Wojnaroski; Dennis & Georgia Yeager; Diane & Dan Yoder; Dr Jerry J. Zaccheo & Dr. Joy E. Kruczay; A Friend (3)
Innovative Tomato, LLC; Donna Jean Anderson; James Barber; Kathy & Bob Barczak; Mary Battaline; Cara Bettle; Leigh Black & Margaret Smith; John & Judy Bortel; Janet Braude; Carol A. Buck; Christine Butler; Robert & Toni Callahan; Loretta Ciupak*; Larry & Linda Coco; Sharon Conway; Joann M. Daly; Jim & Patti Dewar; Melanie Dudak; Ann Marie Furman; Bill & Nanci* Gaborek; Raymond A. Gaydos*; Judy Geisel; Michael R. Grados; Evelyn Gritzer; Bob & Barbara Heider; Nancy Hofecker; Robbin Hoffman; Lucille Honkus; Donna Housel*; Annette Kamzik; Jody* & Denny Kessler; Paul & Donna Knupp; Betty K. Koch; Natalie*& John* Kurchak; William Lantzy; Patricia Lugar; William & Mary Ellen Maestra; Connie Mercik*; Sally Miles; Patricia Mitchell; Evelyn Morgan; Joanne T. Morgan; Dr. & Mrs. Owen Morgan; Suzan Mulkey; Harry W. Muncert; In memory of Rich Newill by wife Ronnie; Kurt & Jen Nilson; Kathryn Ann Ozog; Sherrie Penrod; Carmela Perry; Matthew Price*; Dr. & Mrs. William Prothero; Connie Ross; Barb & Bill Rushin; Dr. Freda Sattel; Jim & Jane Spisak; Kathy & Rich Steel; Sally Stewart; Willliam & Joy* (Schrock) Thwing; Mrs. S. E. Weiss; Sharon J. White; Jill Witherell*; Betty Zahurak; Cindy Zibura*; A Friend (3)
Betty Cernansky*; Peter Harvey; Mr. & Mrs. Charles Huffman; Chris Laporta*; Sam "Clickers" Laporta; Daniel P. Mollura; Kate Rafas*; Rachel Turco & Donnie Davis*; A Friend (3)
Community Arts Center
1217 Menoher Blvd.
Johnstown, PA 15905
Please include a note indicating your donation is for the Sustaining Fund Drive, and state how you would like your donation listed as. Check out the different donor levels below:
Georgia O'Keeffe Circle (up to $24)
Andrew Wyeth Circle ($25 - $49)
Picasso Circle ($50 - $99)
Norman Rockwell Circle ($100 - $249)
Leonardo Da Vinci Circle ($250 - $499)
(Entitles donor to 2 art classes (child/adult))
Michelangelo Circle ($500 - $999)
(Entitles donor to 10% discount on Holly Bazaar and book purchases for 1 designated name.)
President's Circle ($1,000+)
(Entitles donor to 1 room rental for an event or meeting)
Community Arts Center of Cambria County
1217 Menoher Boulevard, Johnstown, PA 15905 US
Accessibility is available upon request for those with disabilities or special needs issues. Please give us as much advance notice as possible to accommodate your needs.
Monday - Friday, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Copyright © 2024 CACCC - All Rights Reserved